
Welcome to Randers, the city where I live. The population is about 62500 inhabitants. Randers is known for its beautiful scenery with Gudenåen and Randers Fjord and its long history as a market town.

On this page you will find inspiration and ideas for experiences in Randers and the surrounding area.

Randers Regnskov

Randers Regnskov (Rain forest) is located in the centre of Randers, between Randers City and the river Gudenåen. One of Denmark’s biggest tourist attractions, featuring three different rain forest continents under separate domes; South America, Asia and Africa. A fantastic environment in which you can wander around in a tropical climate between giant liana vines, buttress trees, a roaring waterfall and over 250 animal species.

In all of the domes you will meet animals which lives freely – here it is only possible to see and not touch the animals like monkeys and lemurs. You will also experience animals such as frogs, tortoises, snails and snakes.

[norebro_button layout=”outline” shape_position=”left” icon_use=”1″ appearance_effect=”fade-left” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fregnskoven.dk%2F|title:Visite%20their%20Website|target:%20_blank|” icon_as_icon=”fa fa-chain” title_typo=”weight~inherit”]


[norebro_text]Memphis Mansion[/norebro_text]

As the only place outside the United States, Randers has its own stationary Elvis museum – Memphis Mansion. The place is copy of Elvis home in Graceland.

Museum Østjylland – cultural-historic museum

The culture-historical Museum Østjylland was founded in 1872, making it one of the oldest and biggest local museums in Denmark. There is changing special exhibitions, fascinating digital exhibitions and activities for children at the museum. The permanent exhibitions tell the story of life in the area from the first inhabitants around 100,000 years ago up to present day.

There is free access to the museum, and the special exhibitions and events can be seen at their website.

Randers Kunstmuseum – art museum

Scout museums in Randers

[norebro_text]Randers Enge / vådområde

Skating Rink, outdoor, open december to february

Water & Wellness

Link to Randers Tourist Office[/norebro_text]